
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Chaos activity: Zombie Apocalypse

In our "Chemicals and Chaos" Hurumanu, for the Chaos part of it, we needed to create a poster based on the top ten rules you must keep in check. When there is a Zombie Apocolypse you have to know how to survive so Mr. Wilson actually found a set of rules. after researching we found that there was really a set of rules. Altogether there are 33 rules, but our task was to list the top ten rules you think is most important. Here is the poster I made it is simple but you can see the rules that I thought were most important.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Creating Manufacturing - My Sign

In creative manufacturing for that last week or so we have been working on signs, to be specific the mandatory, prohibited and hazardous sign. Since last week we had been told to create our personal sign for our workshop. You were allowed to pick the kind of sign between the three, we started our draft on paper but it was optional so you were allowed to do digitally. Both my friends had picked mandatory signs and I had picked a prohibited sign.

At the start, it was a difficult choice you weren't allowed to copy each other, as to the results of having two of the same signs which aren't really ideal. My sign was based on food since it was a prohibited sign you needed to make it obvious on what it is trying to tell you. With mandatory signs, it is fine because it still tells you what to do but with a visual image as well. A hazardous sign also needs to be obvious since it is only a picture on a yellow triangle.

Mine was "no eating or drinking in the workshop" it is obvious since it has a red angular line through it, making people see it is something not to do. It has a burger in a drink bottle as the icon in the sign, everyone has a reason why that sign. Mine was because there are different kinds of chemicals in the workshop. if you touch those chemicals and then eat there is a potential you are risking your health because once you consume the chemical you could get sick. The same goes for a drink in the class as you might spill it and someone might slip. Or chemicals could get on your drink bottle and then you would drink it.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Well being Whare:

Hauora is a Maori philosophy of wellbeing and health, it is the same as six dimensions of wellbeing. They are pretty similar apart from us having 4 dimensions as you could say, each dimension has a meaning and an important impact in our lives. In New Zealand, each dimension represents a wall. All the walls create a house that's why there are only 4 dimensions. 

Here are the meanings of each of the walls - 

Taha Tinana:
This wall means physical wellbeing, this impacts on your life since you need to stay healthy physically. For example, eating healthy would be apart of Taha Tinana or exercising. 

Taha Hinengaro:
This wall means mental wellbeing, this impacts on our lives to stay mentally healthy or be happy and calm. Also exercising or calming your brain preventing you from being stressed all the time. Just simply sleeping can be part of Taha Hinengaro.

Taha Whanau:
This wall means social wellbeing but in English, it means family, this impacts our lives because everyone needs someone to depend on sometimes. Hanging out or spending time with family and friends would be apart of Taha Whanau.

Taha Wairua:
This wall means spiritual wellbeing, this impacts our lives because some would be really religious or have a religious family. But this is not only about gods or souls, but it is also actually about what you believe in. so if you believe in aliens then so be it.

In our classroom, we had created our own whare's at the start we had to write on each thing (foundation, walls, roof). On the foundation, we had to write down everything or everyone who makes us happy or defines who we are. On each of the walls, we had to write one of the dimensions (one wall = Taha Tinana/Physical) 

At the front of my whare which is really the door, the side that is the most important dimension to me is Taha Tinana. The reason for it is because the sport has been important to me since I was young. I loved to play netball and football when I was in primary in my last year I liked to play basketball. I carried on playing basketball for my first year in intermediate but also started to play badminton. Then badminton started to be my passion, and it turned out it was something that played throughout my whole family. Now I love to play badminton and netball and they are also my favorite sports.

When building our wellbeing whare it was like living our lives, our teacher Mr. Stock purposely cut off a few flaps to make it challenging for us. He explained to us that we are always allowed to ask for help. Because in our lives we are always allowed to ask for help when we need it. 

Everything is built on our foundation which keeps us happy and we need all the dimensions in our lives our roof is our happiness so we need all these dimensions to hold up our happiness. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Solubility Experiment

To find out which of salt or baking soda will dissolve more.

In my opinion, I think salt will dissolve more than baking soda depending on the heat of the water.

1. 250ml Beaker
2. 100ml measuring cylinder
3. Salt
4. Baking soda
5. Stirring rod
6. Teaspoon

1. Fill the beaker with 100ml of tap water.
2. Add a leveled Teaspoon of baking soda, (with the Bs the same level of the rim of the spoon.) 
3. Stir until all is dissolved
4. Repeat steps no. 2 & 3 until no baking soda needs to be dissolved.
5. Write down how many teaspoons of baking soda was used.
6. Repeat the experiments with the table salt.

No. of Teaspoons
Baking Soda

This experiment was to figure out which of our substances would whether or not become a solvent. This was also to investigate which substance would dissolve more.

Image result for solubilityMy hypothesis was that salt would dissolve faster, as it was always used in cooking and would normally always dissolve. But really sometimes it depends on the heat of the water. It turn out I was right salt dissolves more than the other substance.

This was a really fun experiment and went smoothly, as it was an easy experiment. It was simple since you didn't have to be so precise with the measurements.  All you needed to do was count the spoons of the substance you put into the solvent.

In the results for the baking soda, it started to form clumps at the bottom of the beaker and made the water look like soapy water,  Same happened with the salt.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Hazards and signs - Creative Manufacturing

What is the meaning of hazard:
The meaning of hazard commonly means when you are in danger or at risk, for example, you visit a cave there will mostly be a sign there saying "hazard". Because you may be at risk inside as the cause of natural disasters. Because the worst place to be when there is an earthquake is in a cave. But it really depends on how stable it is. Or there might be a sign near a dangerous machine saying "Hazard" once again. Because you never know if you are risking your life near it because you might think you know what you are doing.

1. Mandatory
You will most likely see these kinds of signs on the road, for example, a mandatory sign is there to keep everyone in order when driving.  Like if there is traffic these signs are there to tell you what to do, Sometime you will see this in workshops. For example, there will be a sign asking you to wear a face shield. unlike all the other signs a mandatory sign is to tell you what to do rather than tell you what not to do.

2. Hazard
A hazard sign is there to warn you about hazardous materials, radioactivity and so on, most of the symbols are really obvious on what they are warning you about. You will mostly see these signs where it is dangerous like construction sites, or workshops. If people have common sense they have to follow these signs and be cautious. Because it can risk lives.

3. Prohibited
Thes kind of signs is where they tell what you are not allowed to do, generally things you cant use and the kind of people. A prohibited sign normally has a black symbol inside of a red circle and a red angular line right across it. mostly you will see a cigarette symbol, that would obviously mean no smoking.

What this!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Athletic Practice: Scores

Discus Techniques -
  1. Roll-off your small finger
  2. Wrap 4 fingers around it.
  3. Stand side on to the line
  4. 1 wind-up (not 3)
High Jump Technique -
Fosbury Flop:

1. Land with your arm and your feet facing up, make sure to land on your back.
2. Before jumping over the bar make sure you lift off on 1 foot.
3. When you leave the ground you must spin around on the foot depending on your choice. (Left or right), and use your knee to turn.

Long jump -

1. Run up is 21 steps.
2. Take off will be from the second marker.
3. The land will be measured from the back of the foot.
4. Land with both feet together.
5. If you are over the second marker when you jump it is a foul jump.

Athletic practice scores
Shot Put
16 meters

19 meters

High Jump
90 centimeters

Long Jump
2.4 meters

100m Sprints
14 seconds

200m Sprints
40 seconds

Long Distance (400m, 1500m)
5:05 minutes