
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Causes and cures - social studies

Hello everyone,

Today I have done a google drawing based on what the people thought caused the Black Death in medieval times. We needed to make a mindmap mentioning what had caused the Black Death. 

If you noticed that it doesn't mention "Black Death" in the title, it still does that's because "Magna Destilencia" is what the people in the medieval ages called the "Black Death". Or it would either be called the "The Blue Sickness" or "The Great Mortality".

Here is the poster.

Here is the poster I made using "Piktochart" regarding the cures that people used back in the day to treat the Black Death.

If you can't see it go to this link  -

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Symptoms of the Black Death

Hello everyone, I hope you had a wonderful day today as it was the first day of the level 3 lockdown. You might have gone to a McDonald's drive-thru or had taken a stroll at the beach. 

Anyways today I have made a "Piktochart" regarding the symptom of the black death, I had followed the details from this poster that our social studies teacher had put into the tasks. 

Here is the poster my teacher had put up for us -

Now here is mine - 
If you can't see it go to this link - 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

How Rats and Fleas spread the Black Death

Whilst the black death was spreading in medieval times, it was not only caused by interaction and contact between humans. It was also not only caused by the people back then having poor hygiene. But was also caused by rats and fleas, they actually had a big role in spreading the disease. 

It's good that people had recorded the symptoms and cures also what had caused the Black Death. So we can always be cautious in a time like this happening again in the future. Luckily due to modern medicine, there is a cure to Black Death now, and there is only an 11% chance of dying when having the Black Death. Because we have antibiotics, there actually have been people who had black death even after the outbreak in medieval times. But luckily only a few, to be honest, I am very happy that I was born in the 21st century.

Here is a chart I made about rats and fleas:

Rats in general
Black rats
Brown rats
- Rats can spread more than 35 diseases.

- At most, a rat can weigh up to 230 grams.

- The estimated lifespan of a rat would be 2 years at the most.

- Rat teeth never stop growing.

- A female rat can reproduce every three weeks, and give birth to about 10 babies each time on average.

- Rats are very infectious.

- They live up to 12 months in the wild. But at the most 1 - 4 years.

- Known as a ship rat, roof rat, or house rat.

- They weigh up to 75 - 230 grams as an adult.

- They are accomplished climbers. 

- Females are more aggressive than males.

- They are Omnivores. 

- Known as a street rat, sewer rat, Hanover rat, Norway rat, Norwegian rat, Parisian rat, or wharf rat.

- Their average lifespan is 1 - 3 years. But two years in the wild.

- Most common rat.

- They weigh up to 200 - 300 grams.

- They can live a month without food.

- They eat almost anything that is edible, even small animals.
- Fleas transport themselves on rodents and other mammals.

- They are parasites that feed on blood.

- Fleas can live on any warm-blooded animals. But prefer to live on us human cats, dogs, and rodents.

- They can jump as high as 150 times their body height.

Here is my diagram of the cycle of the Black Death.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

How the Black death travelled to Asia from Europe - Social Studies

Here are another one of my social studies tasks, it is getting quite boring while doing nothing as we are still in level 4 lockdown. But I am so happy that next week we will transitioning into level 3 lockdown by next week. 

For this activity, I had to copy a cartoon strip by drawing it regarding how black traveled from Asia to Europe. 
The reason why the Black Death was spread so easily and was created, because back then everyone had poor hygiene. They rarely had baths and washed hands, the same went with washing clothes event if the rarely washed their clothes. It would still be disgusting and unhygienic because they would use urine to wash their clothes. Since people had toilets or rubbish bin they would just dispose of all their rubbish and human waste on the street.
Because of all these germs due to them not being hygienic, it had caused lots of people to be sick and also diseases to occur such as the "Black Death". 

We are very lucky for these smart people to come up with inventions to keep us hygienic, and having less of a chance of getting sick because of germs. We have hospitals and modern medicine, like immunizations and vaccines which prevent us from some diseases. 

Here is the strip we had to recreate:

Heres mine -

If you couldn't see the words in the first photo here it is what it says.
It is also the sequence of the event:

1. Traders in Crimea have been besieged for three years by Tartar hordes, from Central Asia. 

2. The Black Death breaks out among the Tartars.

3. The Tartars use their siege machines to fling their deads inside the walls of the fort.

4. The disease spreads to the people inside the fort.

5. The Tartars flee.

6. The survivors from inside the fort set sail to Europe bringing the disease with them.


Today for one of my social studies tasks, I had created a post based on one of the 11 hygiene facts. Which you can look at here.

The one I picked was "urine used for washing clothes", I mean imagine I am so lucky that I was born in the 21st century. Otherwise, we would be using pee for our laundry detergent. Answer this question in the comments - Would you rather not wash your clothes at all or was your clothes in urine?

Here is the poster:

Monday, April 20, 2020


(idea from  

Today we are going to talk about one of my favorite fruit that I love to eat. It's an uncommon fruit but you would know at least one person who loves Pomegranates. 

Weekend Pretty…Ripe Red Pomegranates – The Harlequin Tea SetA Pomegranate is scientifically known as a "Punica Granatum" it was actually originally named "Malum Granatum" by the so-called ancient Romans. Malum is a Latin word for "apple" and Granatum comes from the Latin word "Granum" which means "seed". So it referred to an apple with a lot of seeds. But "Malum" also had another meaning which is "bad or evil". Probably because of this reason, or some kind of natural revolution they changed it to "Ponum Granatum". "Ponum" is a Latin word for fruit, so it could also mean apple. So the French changed the name to "Pome granate" and "Pomegranate" became the English name. 

The Pomegranate belongs to the Lythraceae family of flowering plants. The Pomegranate tree is native to Iran to the Himalayas in Northern India. It was cultivated and naturalized over the whole Mediterranean region since ancient times. It is widely cultivated throughout India and the drier parts of southeast Asia, Malaya, the East Indies, and tropical Africa.

Facts about the Pomegranate:

  • When you think the Pomegranate is ripe don't focus too much on the skin but still, make sure the color is a reddish magenta like a red onion. Rather focus on the size and weight, the heavier the juicer which also means it is ripe.
  • The grenade as in the hand bomb was named after the Pomegranate as it looks like the inside of a pomegranate. Because of the patterning.
  • A Pomegranate is a deciduous shrub.
  • You can store your Pomegranate in the refrigerator for about 2 months!
  • When eating a Pomegranate it can have an anti-inflammatory effect, and protect you from having various diseases. For example type 2 diabetes, or obesity, when you eat a Pomegranate regularly. It can help in improving your gut health, digestion, and prevention of bowel diseases.
  • A Pomegranate does not contain cholesterol or saturated fats.
  • A Pomegranate tree can live up to 200 years.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Long time no share.

Hello everyone,
I'm pretty sure you guys already know that I haven't posted in a while now, I've totally lost my mind. Now I'm always playing on the PS4 but I am happy I'm able to balance my school with my relaxing.

yesterday I baked a chocolate fudge cake, with my mums help it came out successfully. With a guarantee, if I had made a bet with someone if I was able to cook an edible cake by myself. I would have probably lost, my mum did most of the baking but I helped what I did was decorating. I could say that I did pretty good. I had tried to spread the icing on the cake as smoothly as I could. But the problem was is that the crumbs ad got through the icing making it not look that professional. But looked okay, I used a glad snack baggy as an icing bag which went pretty good. The first try it didn't go well when I was trying to push the icing to the tip it kind of split the bag. The second attempt it worked since I didn't cut the hole first I also left a small gap. For me to cut it I squeezed it out gently and it worked out fine. Unfortunately, I don't have a photo.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Propaganda Techniques.

Hello, my fellow viewers.

I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your time staying at home, for the past few days I have been working. As in school work of course, but I have been striving to finish my work for English. Finally, after a few days, I have finished being honest I am pretty proud of myself. Because during my studying I showed resilience and achievement. I also sent it to my friends who were struggling so they could use mine as an example.

It is pretty long so I would rather put the link in:

It is pretty long so it might be boring but just by you looking at it I will easily appreciate it. If you can please give me feedback from my work, you can skim through it or read the parts that interest you. So if you give me feedback by commenting on this blog post it will be very helpful. With future work, I will show much gratitude Thank you.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Paragraph Writing

For my social studies as an extra, I had done a kind of essay? as I could say. I had done an "essay" about how to to write a paragraph. I put down the key points about writing a paragraph. I also wrote down the meaning for the T.E.E.L acronym, also two paragraphs about myself.

If you would rather go to the document itself here is a link -
~Click on this link~

If you would rather read it on here - 

  • Your paragraph will be much better if you start it with rhetorical questions. Or start it with a sentence that states the subject and main idea.
  • Develop a thesis statement, if your first sentence was a statement about the main idea. Then you should come up with facts or describe the main idea. If it was a question you should answer the question.  This should be at least 3 - 5 sentences.
  • Write down things that support or argue with your thesis in order of importance. This is a good way to make the reader believe you. For example, you wrote a paragraph about koalas. You write something down about it. So you must have a scientific explanation.  
  • Add an example.
  • Make sure to summarize your topic.
  • Write down your opinion, or why you think it's true.
  • Have evidence if it’s for a persuasive or research paragraph. Or give a link to where you got your information from.

T.E.E.L acronym meaning:

T - Topic - Start your paragraph with a sentence based on the topic or main subject. 
E - Explanation - Give an explanation about the topic, or give your opinion.
E - Evidence & Examples - Give evidence and examples to prove your statements.
L - Link - A link is to show you are telling the truth and showing where you got your information.

Use T.E.E.L as a guide when writing your paragraphs, it makes things a lot easier. Using this acronym works and many different kinds of paragraphs. Mainly informative and persuasive ones, but it also works on essay paragraphs. Or just your usual kinds of paragraphs. 
Here are 2 paragraphs based on myself as an example of how I do it:

My name is Rieya Naidu and this is about me!
Let’s say I have quite a large family, I wouldn't say I have such a big family where I have 13 people in my family. I don’t have a typical kind of family. We are a mix of cultures, we call it a fruit salad. We have Kiwi, Filipino, Spanish, and Fiji-Indian.  We have strict rules, always babysitting, and NEVER allowed to waste time but we live happily. However, we did not expect to face some circumstances and trials in our lives. It has been hard since there are two kids still young. So it’s me the oldest and one of my sisters the second oldest. Who has the obligation to look after them? But our family never loses hope, and our parents always find a way to make our lives normal. 

Ok, now let’s talk about me. My full name is Rieya Preciousa Naidu, I am 13 years of age and am a freshman in high school. I have three little sisters, so I have a family of six. As I have a Filipino family in the Philippines I have a lot of cousins, aunties, grandmas, and grandpas. The same goes for the Fiji-Indian side. Likes? Well I have a passion for badminton, and netball believe it or not I like to do sports. Sometimes I pretend I don’t want to since my friends don’t. But sometimes I'd rather listen to myself than them.  I have a shy personality, but once I trust someone I am the exact opposite around them. I am not the brat type of person but I will act a bit like that. But only depending on the way someone treats me. I love to be organized if I see in the house something messy it is triggering. For some reason, I have a big sister instinct to keep my sisters safe. Of course when I am trying to make sure they don’t get in trouble or keep them safe they think I'm being mean. But I mean a big sister has to do what they need to to keep the young ones safe and sound. 

(I know I didn’t do my things based on T.E.E.L but this is an example of how I write my paragraphs.)