Well for me I would choose pottery, although it's not something that professional or like something your parents usually expect you to work as. It's not something like engineering, or being a doctor, and things like that. Based on my opinion I feel I like things artsy not the basics like drawing since I am terrible at that. I like things more unique for an example pottery, since it's something you have to keep trying with. Because in pottery you can never get it the first time unless a miracle had hit you. The first time I tried pottery is when I got the toy version as I could say. It included the whole kit, I had to read the instructions over and over again just to know exactly how to do it. When got in contact with it with my hands it went everywhere, although it made a huge mess it was so much fun. I want to learn how to get better and make things useful like pots, teapots and things like that.
Once I get better I want to create more things and be a professional in pottery, it's something you can get money for not just to sell it but also just for display. I still have other dream jobs that are beyond this but this is going to be one of my side jobs. But pottery is one thing that I would love to learn in school.