Over the holidays I had finished a book, that I had actually started at the start of the year, which is honestly probably implausible. As it is a long duration from the start of the year till the end of the year. This is not because I am slow in reading, but itś rather because of when I changed my hurumanus/subjects. I had more things to do, we had more of a busy wananga, and I am busy at home. So I stopped reading it when it was about halfway through semester one. When I had the time I have would two periods each week to read.
While reading this book I started to slowly fall in love with the book, I was so intrigued by the book, I felt like I could relate to it. The book is based on a teenage story, or as I could say a teenage life. That may be rather extraordinary, or rather ordinary for some people, I could say so for myself that this was an amazing book.
I can't put how I feel about the book into words the drama, the emotions, the story. Maybe what you feel when watching a movie would be what you feel when reading this book. The author can really pull you into the book, making you slowly sink in and wanting to keep reading and reading. It's full of many surprises or revelations. Because at the start it is confusing, and could possibly be boring to a number of people. But then, in the end, it was amazing, for me.
I recommend this teenage story for teenagers, maybe people who can relate to depression and things you would usually go through as a teenager. It also needs a mature audience as there is offensive language in the book. Honestly, I would have never thought that I would have been so attached to a book in this type of genre. I was sad at the end of the book, the sadness if feel when I finish a series.
It may be like this for you, so if you have time you could read this book too!
Spoiler Alert:
Although on the cover it says it's not a love story, be mentally prepared if you are into love stuff ;D.